Keywords are a core element in affecting your web page visibility through the search engines. By using careful semantic choices along with keyword analysis, can make the difference of seeing your website appear on the first page or the tenth page of a search engine.
Finding the right words that match your niche is very time consuming, if you are a busy company and need to have your site fully SEO optimised quickly, we recommend you speak to an SEO Company who specialise in providing SEO services that include keyword analysis.
If you had to sum up your website in just a few words, what would they be? It’s tough right? Your site may contain so much content it’s difficult to pick which words best describe your website; it’s paramount to carefully select searched keyword phrases that perfectly match your niche, your page content should contain your most relevant keyword phrases which is regularly crawled by the search engines when examining and deciding where to place your website in the search engine results pages (SERP’s)
SEO Guru’s marketing team will carefully analyse the content of your web pages to help in finding the best selection of keyword phrases to be SEO optimised, if done correctly this signals to Google and other search engines what your page content is about, this is just one piece of the Goggle check list when crawling your website using their Search Bots, these bots visit your web pages on a regular basis to decide which pages should be indexed into its database.
Marketing experts, in-line with content writers ensure words as well as the phrases that best represent your company appear on the website. SEO Guru offers an all-in-one tailored solution, from design, development, as well as making sure all page content is fully SEO optimised. Our SEO services team offer a complete SEO marketing strategy.
There may be words and phrases that are semantically similar to the ones you’ve already used, but by including them in an umbrella of content you cover a variety of user keyword searches. It could be as simple as making sure your pictures have the right keywords associated with them, or it could require a top to bottom approach to integrate the required keywords for your business.
Either way the defining words and phrases need to be chosen carefully as these will be the words you want Google to index these keyword phrases as you’re most important content.
By assessing the search competition for your required keyword phrases across other websites and selecting a combination of SEO optimised keywords that have a higher chance of conversion; we can then tailor your pages to signal to Google with the intention of increasing your search engine results.
There’s a tricky science to understanding what people will type into a search engine, our team here at SEO Guru have analysed how to pinpoint keyword phrases that have a better conversion rate.
We match the right kind of search visitors (Traffic) to your website; it’s done simply by unlocking the secrets of keyword analysis though the use of SEO Services.