Social media and bookmarking promotion or social tagging enables web browsers to store, organise, search and manage “book marks” of websites or individual pages that they like, and wish to comment on or share. Social bookmarking is a key component of a social media optimisation strategy for your business.
You need to ensure that the content you create is easily shareable through bookmark promotion, as well as undertaking social bookmarking actions yourself to drive website visitation and search engine prominence.
If your business is in serious need of a boost in website traffic, or you need to build your brand awareness and reputation online, then social media optimisation (SMO) is something that you need to consider for your digital and online presence.
Why BookMark Promotion?
Encouraging social bookmarking is an important consideration when optimising your website and digital platforms. But what are the key benefits?
Increase in website traffic
Leveraging social bookmarking sites effectively (such as Digg, or Reddit) can provide a sharp increase in traffic to a website. What’s even more attractive is that often the traffic is well targeted already and engaged with the topic or content you are providing?
Let people find your content
By making your website content accessible to readers and easy for them to save and share, more people will see or read your content and migrate to your website.
Show up in search results
Search engines will routinely list results from key bookmarking sites in relevant web searches. Greater presence in search engines means increased visibility of your brand and an opportunity to drive a further increase in web traffic.
We provide professional social media optimisation services (SMO) for London and across the UK. Our team of marketing professionals combined with an industry leading social media software tool makes us the preferred provider of internet marketing services to business throughout London and the UK.
We are experienced in all aspects of social media optimisation, including establishing a well defined business strategy, which include, website and digital platform optimisation, content creation, book mark promotion, brand management, social monitoring as well as on-page and off-page search engine optimisation (SEO).
We have implemented successful social bookmarking campaigns across a huge range of sites including Twitter, Pinterest, Stumbleupon, Delicious, Digg, Reddit and Slashdot… to name just a few.
Let us help organise your social media and bookmarking promotion efforts to deliver a steady stream of traffic to your website today. If you have any questions unanswered dont hesitate in giving our team here at SEOGURU a call.
If you Require Social Media Optimisation or Bookmarking Promotion, Contact Us Today for a FREE Quote